Andover Beauty Salon
Welcome to Mosaïque Holistic Beauty & Image.
All treatments now available
Located in Eastfield House in Longparish, Mosaïque offers a comprehensive range of holistic beauty and wellness treatments, as well as colour and style consultation, in a well-appointed room overlooking the garden lake and rural scene.
Naturally calming, enjoy a spa experience in this exceptional environment which enhances relaxation and the benefits of our treatments.
Longparish is a Hampshire village spread along the River Test - famous worldwide for fly-fishing.
Tranquillity and peacefulness
Delightful views over the extensive grounds and surrounding countryside from Mosaïque’s beautiful treatment room contribute to the relaxing spa break effect of all the services provided.
There is ample free parking to ensure every visit is stress free.
Focused on you
I never rush a treatment and always start with a detailed consultation, in order to tailor each session to you, your skin and your needs. I want you to receive an experience, as well as an effective treatment, ensuring you feel refreshed.
Now is the time to book in some ‘me-time’ with Mosaïque.
Click here to visit the Eastfield House Lodge & Studio Loft website
Spa Break
Eastfield House Lodge & Studio Loft
Why not stay the night? In the grounds of Eastfield House, you will find The Lodge, a charming two bedroomed cottage and The Studio Loft, a one-bedroom loft conversion. Both can be booked for short breaks, incorporating beauty treatments, to complement your stay. For more information, contact me.
Relax, indulge and be pampered.